But not just any shed! This is the 'Ekphrastic Flowers' shed and my
Paper Meadow wallpaper has been used as part of the installation.
Their shed set out to express how florists work as artists in their own right and that they often work in collaboration with artists too, using colours and style in artwork to inspire their arrangements.
It worked brilliantly!
. It was SO colourful and there were all sorts of irresistible shapes to enjoy.
These ceramic tiles are by
Linzi Ramsden from the Manchester Craft Centre. We were stand neighbours at
GNCCF once and she's very lovely indeed. It was nice to find her work here.
This print is be
Lee Herring. The flowers blended into it so beautifully.
I loved the Agapanthus and the Alliums.
The plasma cut bronzed ferns are by
Willa Ashworth. I wish I'd taken more photos of them.
This fennel against the blue is pretty amazing isn't it!
See, it was a pretty special shed.
Thanks everyone for including me in it.
It was very beautiful indeed.
By the way 'ekphrastic' IS a real word meaning 'a vivd, often dramatic description of a visual work of art, either real or imagined'. I'm not sure I made a very ekphrastic job of expressing how beautiful this shed was but I hope the pictures speak for themselves.